The Legal Edge

The Legal Edge is precedent setting legal talk heard weekly on 640GST, the flagship station of the Atlanta Braves. From current events to your events, The Legal Edge is your opportunity to hear and be heard on the legal issues of the day. This blog is offered as a public information resource and is not sanctioned by or affiliated with Clear Channel in any way.


Managing Partner - The Punchline Comedy Club. Trial Attorney (Bendall & Mednick) admitted in GA, NY, MA. Our firm blog is here. Professional Comedian Since 1992. Panelist, Speaker, and Commentator. Former Registered Contract Advisor NFLPA (Agent). Co-Host - "The Legal Edge" formerly heard on 640 WGST (Atlanta). Community volunteer and experienced youth sports coach.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Putting Children At Risk?

I watched an interesting program the other night on P.O.V. called "The Education of Shelby Knox", which was really interesting. It dealt mainly with one girls attempts to have her school district teach something other than abstinence only, but it also addressed some interesting family issues. This was a girl who herself took a "True Love Waits" pledge, but felt that it was her Christian responsibility to consider others who might engage in behavior that she herself did not. Apparently Lubbock, TX has a really high rate of teen pregnancy and STDs among teens which might suggest that the abstinence only approach wasn't working.

Thus, when I saw this piece about a proposed bill which would require parental notification when a minor seeks birth control (including boys seeking condoms), I wondered whether our elected officials are helping children or putting them at greater risk.

What happens when we put the legislature in the place of parenting? Do we always get the result that is intended?

I don't know.


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